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- Nikita Francois
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Nikita Francois
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For the Lord, my God, for my family, and for Adrian.
Selena, my little sister who this book could not
have been written without.
Ephesians 6:17
In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
He cackled and moaned in pleasure. He slowly licked the bleeding holes left by his talons when they ripped into the being’s wing. The clouds of smoke clouded my eyesight, thunder exploded throughout my body.
I immediately awoke, eyes flashing open thinking something was terribly wrong. Lying quietly in bed, I realized that nothing could possibly be wrong. Nothing bad like my dream ever happened in Terredome. As the only surviving city of the Great World War, we’ve established a safe haven for all citizens to work and live in. As I took in my surroundings, noting how dark my room was, the ever-familiar ache between my shoulder blades appeared and then subsided just as quickly. This ache had been around for as long as I could remember. I recalled the conversation I had with Luke the day prior.
“Don’t make fun of me, Luke!” I exclaimed.
“I’m sorry, Sol, but I’m not laughing at you,” he replied. “I’m only chuckling because I thought you were developing a strange hunchback.”
“Well maybe there is something wrong with me,” I said. “But please don’t tell anyone. I’ve always felt it and just thought I could tell you.”
“Of course you could tell me. I won’t tell anyone, trust me,” said Luke with a wink.
I gave him a playful punch in the arm and stood to leave. The grassy quad linking the four school buildings was a popular hangout spot for students in between classes. Several years earlier, Luke and I had discovered a hidden pathway behind some bushes that led to a small meadow, surrounded by trees. Various tales and legends were well known by everyone about the possibility that this secret meadow existed, but no one had ever located it. It was peaceful and serene. Flowers grew sporadically in the grass and sunlight cut through the trees, casting colorful rays along ground. While Luke and I were proud of our discovery, we hadn’t shared it with anyone.
“Want me to walk you home?” asked Luke, with a small hint of concern in his eyes.
“No,” I replied. “Nothing to worry about.”
“Alright, Miss Soleil Arch. I’ll see you at Oculation tomorrow.”
With that he grabbed his satchel and cautiously climbed out of the bushy entrance. 6’2” tall, broad-shouldered, and blonde hair, Luke was someone who always stood out, particularly with the other girls in school. Inconspicuously climbing out of the entrance was a feat he mastered in a way I would never understand. Friends since the age of 5, I was always surprised by how our friendship remained over the last decade. In contrast to our companionship, the other students at school ignored me and I often wondered if they sometimes truly couldn’t see me.
I reached down to grab my backpack when it flew up into my outstretched arm. Thankful that Luke hadn’t seen, I placed it on my back and made my way out of the meadow. It didn’t happen often, maybe once or twice a year. But I discovered at a young age that I could occasionally move things with my mind. Never sharing my secret with anyone, I always had a feeling that it would be best to keep it to myself. I was considered odd enough at school; I didn’t need to draw additional attention to myself.
Oculation. I sat up in bed and looked out the window. The peach and pink hues of the sunrise were a truly magnificent sight. But that morning it worried me. Everyone knew what Oculation was and the risks of this momentous event scared me. My mother had shared its origins with me many times before. In the year 2057, the Great World War was ravaging the earth. Human casualties were no longer a concern for governments; mass extinction was inevitable. Apparently, our side of the world launched a never-before used nuclear reactor which inexplicably detonated en route to the other side of the world. It tore several massive holes into the earth’s atmosphere, causing the sun’s rays to wither all plant life, evaporate most water supplies, and kill or blind every living being around the equator. Survivors burrowed underground for two years.
After the burrow years, our Excellency Warren Sato had scientists implant everyone’s eyes with opaque protective lenses. These enabled humans to see during the day, without burning their retinas. Adults who survived the Great World War would never be able to remove theirs. All infants were then implanted with these high tech lenses upon birth. Decades later, society became fully functional above ground. These lenses became imperative to preserve the human race and our environment within the city walls. His Excellency lived through the GWW and, at what we believed to be over 200 years old, his scientific advancements were unmatched. Water was still scarce, yet synthetic juices were created for our consumption. Food consisted of grains and plants. Clothing was handmade and our basic options included jean pants, cloth pants, and cloth tops.
According to our military, the world outside Terredome remained a desolate wasteland with savages attempting to breach our gates on a daily basis. However, the military always succeeded in keeping them at bay. As a result, no crimes of any sort ever occurred in Terredome. Our history books detailed how we were the only city to flourish after the war. Many people laughed at the savages that attempted to climb our city’s walls. I’ve always wondered what the desolate world looked like outside of them.
Every year on the 15th of June, all citizens of Terredome who reached the age of 15 attended Oculation. It was the beginning of our summer solstice and marked the furthest point the sun was from earth. Our lenses were removed on this day and we became capable of seeing without these implants for the rest of our lives. A series of ocular exams were given at this event. Based on the corrective effects of the lenses, we then determined how we could contribute to society. On occasion, a fifteen year-old Inductee had their lenses removed, yet no corrective effects took hold. Their eyes could not handle the harsh sunrays. These individuals were then exterminated seeing as they would not be able to contribute to the advancement of society. According to my mother, scientists were unable to create a lens able to aid those who failed Oculation. Their bodies were disposed of and their names were to never be mentioned again. That day’s Oculation happened to be the 150th anniversary of the nuclear disaster. And exactly eight days prior on June 8th, I celebrated my 15th birthday. Truth be told, I dreaded it. The fear that the lenses did not have any lasting corrective effect on my sight scared me and I was worried that this day would have been my last.
“Sol? Are you awake?”
“Mhmm,” I gurgled from my pillow.
“You need to eat something before Oculation, sweetie.” My mother, Ruth, clearly did not understand how butterflies in one’s stomach could prevent a person from eating. And maybe those butterflies were actually dragons, because the
thought of food made me feel ill.
“Sure,” I replied sarcastically, hoping she would just leave for work.
“Oh and by the way honey, they gave me the day off so that I could attend your Oculation ceremony.”
I immediately bolted upright. “You mean I won’t have to go alone?” I sputtered.
“No. Of course not. I was there the day your father died. And he died fighting for us to live a better life. I don’t ever want you to go through any major life event alone.”
While I knew she meant well, I inhaled sharply. Mention of my father was always sore for me. He died while my mother was pregnant with me, trying to restrain an Oculation subject due for extermination. My name, Soleil, was given to me by him, though I vaguely remember why. It had something to do with his own grandfather, Solomon Arch, who fought during the Great World War.
“I know, mom. Give me a few minutes to change and I’ll be right down”
She smiled brightly at me and whisked out of the room. Ruth could only be described as the epitome of beauty. Long and flowing platinum blonde hair, with hazel eyes and olive skin greeted the world daily. While she was outwardly gorgeous, her inner beauty was truly stunning. Terredome was an ideal city in that no crimes were committed because no assaults or other violent acts were inherent to the citizens’ natures. As a result, mostly everyone got along well. But Ruth was more than simply well-liked by everyone she encountered. She was adored. Men regularly offered to court her, but she always refused, pledging herself to remain widowed for the remainder of her life. This only seemed to entice suitors even more. In every way she was elegant and attractive, I was not. Taking after my father, I had shoulder-length, wavy jet black hair with random naturally platinum blonde streaks. My eyes were a non-descript dark brown and the pallor of my skin in contrast gave me the appearance of always being ill. Average height and weight left me unnoticed by the boys at schools, which I sometimes appreciated. But mostly, I felt unattractive. I learned to just avoid the opposite sex altogether. With the exception of Luke who remained my best friend.
I slid on my favorite pair of jeans. While it was the same pair of jeans that everyone else wore, I had secretly embroidered a pair of wings inside the waistband. Only Luke knew that I stole the thread to do so from Clothing and Textiles class. I found that my mom had laid out a new blouse on my vanity. It had a lace pointed collar and soft, silky feel. After a double-take, I could see that the buttons were actual seashells. I gently ran my thumb over the buttons. I had only seen pictures of seashells in my history books. Realizing it was almost time to leave, I quickly slid on the blouse, pinned my hair behind my ears and headed downstairs to force myself to eat.
The home my mother and I shared was a short five-minute walk from school, which sat in the south of Terredome. Luke lived two houses to the left, in the same cookie-cutter gated community where all of Terredome’s one hundred thousand residents live. We all lived very simply, very minimalistic. Luke’s mother had been killed during a tragic accident working in one of the garment factories. His father raised him, a nice man who worked at the military base as a computer technician. The only people who lived extravagantly were Sato and his two advisors. All other citizens were relegated to more simplistic lives, always wearing jeans and simple cotton tops. While I knew our community was well-kept and aesthetically appealing, we all understood that only those not wearing the lenses could see its true beauty. An unavoidable hitch with our lenses, all colors and details had a dim haze about them until one’s lenses were removed at Oculation. Since we were all infants when the lenses were first implanted, it was cool hearing stories from the older adults about how refreshing and vibrant everything truly appeared. This fact was the only comfort I felt regarding the procedure. Everything else I felt was pure dread as we walked toward the school. Summer vacation began the day after Oculation and I envied the students who would be staying home. After our procedure was completed, we would be transported to a three-year boarding school to prepare for our adult professions. My shoulder blades throbbed momentarily. I remembered that His Excellency Warren Sato always officiated the Oculation event.
“Hey Sol! I saved you a seat!” Luke shouted from my right.
I ducked down, avoiding people’s stares as I headed over to his row. Mom gave me a quick pat on the head and floated over to the parent section of the auditorium.
“Louder so more people can stare at me next time, okay?” I grunted at him.
“Sorry sorry,” he grimaced. “I’m just excited and a little anxious, that’s all.”
“Anxious? Really? But you’re always the calm one, ready for anything.”
“Maybe,” he said, shifting a little in his seat. “But this is serious. Something could actually go wrong. And it could end my life permanently.”
His eyes shone and I knew how serious he was. And I realized that he was also acknowledging my own unspoken fears.
As the remainder of all newly-turned 15 year-olds filed into the designated Oculation Inductee section, I looked around for what felt like an ill-omened moment. The marble flooring seemed to have been given an extra polish for the occasion. The stained-glass windows depicted images of war and battle from the Great World War. Each window formed a winding circle in the cylindrical auditorium. Chronologically, they showed the launching of the nuclear reactor by the entrance doors, then wound all the way to the edge of the ceiling depicting the election of Excellency Warren Sato as our leader. I looked down at my legs and noticed that the sunlight piercing through the windows projected the image of a white, winged being. As I tried to make out its face, a microphone dropped at the front of the stage, its high-pitched scream causing everyone to yell and cover their ears.
“Oh I do apologize,” said our principal, Sir Rider. At 30 years of age, he was the youngest principal to have led our school. He was admired by all, for in his six years at the helm, not a single student failed any of their examinations. With any score above eighty considered a passing one, every student had averaged eighty-five points per year since the school was established in 2062, just five years after the GWW. But his push for academic excellence was well appreciated by all parents and, of course, His Excellency Warren Sato.
“Welcome to the 40th anniversary of Oculation. For those of you who may need reminding, Oculation is the great occasion on which those who have turned 15 within the last 12 months undergo the lens removal procedure after which this day is named. Once their lenses are extracted, they will sit through four different eye examinations. These exams help us determine whether or not their sight can withstand the bright sunlit environment we inhabit. Once they pass the exams, they will then select which field of study they are best suited for to contribute to the growth of our economy.”
“Oh joy!” shouted a voice from the Inductee section. I turned to see who it was and noticed that it was Jeze DeMonica, the most beautiful and most popular girl at school. She smiled sweetly and her surrounding friends beamed at her. She supposedly had her eyes set on Luke. I felt the chunks rise from my stomach.
“Exciting isn’t it?” continued Rider. “After their field of study is finalized, he or she will emerge and meet with their correlating life mentor for a family advisement session. Tomorrow, all Inductees will board the Inductee Airbus and arrive at their respective boarding schools, where they will reside for three years. At the conclusion of the three-year training, they will return as productive members of society.”
Everyone in the auditorium began a round of applause. I scanned the parent section and locked eyes with my mother. Her shining cheeks told me she had begun crying tears of happiness for me already. Luke nudged me slightly with his elbow and gave a quirky wink. His apprehensions seemed to have disappeared.
“Guess what?” he whispered.
“Your last name is Arch.”
“Yes. I am aware of this fact,” I said, unsure of what he was getting at.
“You do know what t
hat means, right?” he smirked.
“Um…no. What?” I replied, truly confused.
“It means that they’re going to call you up first,” he taunted with another wink.
I sat, mouth agape, astonished at the realization. Why had I not thought of this common order of events before? Because I would probably hyperventilate. And I did at that very moment.
“Sol? Are you OK?” Luke’s face was twisted and I wasn’t sure if he was concerned or embarrassed by my sudden panic attack. Probably the latter.
“Uh huh,” I mumbled, face in my lap. “Just give me a second.”
“Sorry. I thought you figured that one out already and that was why you kept biting your lip.”
I sat there quietly trying to catch my breath as Sir Rider continued addressing the parents about something that he referred to as empty nesting.
“And now, without further ado, I’d like to welcome to the stage His Excellency, Warren Sato!”
Everyone in the entire room rose to their feet, loudly cheering the arrival of His Excellency. I hadn’t noticed Sato before the ceremony began. He simply appeared at the front of the stage, a cloud of smoke dissipating from around him.
“How’d he do that?” I whispered.
“I don’t know,” replied Luke. “Maybe he was there all along and we just didn’t notice.”
“Mhmm,” I mumbled, the ominous feeling creeping back again.
Warren Sato was a man of legend. There were various accounts of how he single-handedly won numerous battles for our side of the world. Yet few people knew exactly how he accomplished such feats. Even less information was known about his background. Sato had only two advisors who worked alongside him, each appearing to be about forty years old. Both were strikingly tall women with straight red hair and stern faces. His residence in Terredome’s Capitol Excellency Building housed the three of them, along with various offices that ran all aspects of the city. No one was seen entering or leaving, yet everything functioned efficiently so his work was never questioned. The only change that had occurred was that a factory vent began emitting dark fumes from behind the building after the previous year’s Oculation. However, nothing else had changed so it had gone mostly overlooked.